Friday, November 12, 2010

Printing Industry News Digest November 12, 2010

Welcome to Printing Industry News Digest (PIND) issue 30, the weekly summary of major news stories from the printing, packaging and communication sectors. Published every week, PIND incorporates lots of links to the week’s key news stories so that you can look up the detail.

Further to our mention last week of the Ryobi 920 SRA1 press in video action on, this week’s news concerning that very same press series has been the official announcement of the convertible perfecting version, the Ryobi 920P.

Hot news also from the HighWater CTP team, where it has been confirmed that the latest version of its Torrent RIP, which is being recommended as the package with which to drive the Cron computer-to-plate products it distributes throughout Europe, will be based on the popular StudioRIP core.

The recent PrintWeek Buyers Guide to sheetfed offset inks has now been posted on-line, and includes in the “What’s New” section details of Van Son’s latest addition to the market.
Meanwhile at The Times the paywall issue just won’t go away. The chaps at The Wall take another close look at the numbers and this week’s departure of digital director Gurtej Sandhu. The Telegraph too takes another examination of the figures.

Less trouble with numbers in the world of e-books though it would seem: one billion dollars worth of e-books will have been purchased before the end of the year say our chums at Mashable. But what to read them on, you might ask? Well, colour is coming. Colour e-books from Hanvon for 2011: an early new year prediction!

In Apple world, iOS4.2 should be available today (later today in the UK) which will hopefully provide a good few things that iPad owners have been waiting a few months for! Multi-tasking will be more than handy that’s for sure. Steve says that AirPrint will be one of them; it’s not been pulled!

The Guardian takes a view on Apple and where it is going, with a particular focus on the recent news that an app store for the basic Mac computing platform will be the next offering.

On the tablet side of life, TechCrunch has gone to task over RIM’s PlayBook, seemingly branding it a failure before its even gone on sale. Some of the points raised, however, are extremely valid. It’s hard to see this product as a serious threat to the likes of Apple. Mashable does reveal to us today that it will have pricing on its side, however, with a highly competitive start point of less than $500 (about £310 in real money). That will be a help if it stays relative to that price in the various world markets. As per an earlier PIND theme though, you can’t help but wonder if there is sufficient profit in that kind of price.

Samsung meanwhile expects to be going some both this year and next. It is predicting sales of its Galaxy Tab to his 10 million units by the end of next year, and one million of these will happen before the end of 2010. Any bets? Your wager invited at

Also, just on the subject of Gmail: ever wondered whether you could log onto two Gmail accounts at once? Sometimes such trickery comes in handy. Wonder now more: the answer lies here! Yes, it can be done.

The internet world is now old enough to have known names falling by the wayside; this week’s notable casualty was Ask Jeeves! or as it later became.

Without Jeeves to ask, you might want to fall back on good old e-mail to provide you with some reminders of things that you need to be doing. Mashable this week told us about a neat little add on called NudgeMail which offers you dated and timed reminders that you can set within your mail. Neat. Alternatively you could try a diary.

As I should hate to be branded an Apple-lover through and through, I am pleased to post Lifehacker’s guide to the best writing apps available for Android phones. There I did it!

In the interests of fairness I guess I must also mention a new note taker / writing app for iOS too. Whilst I have offered a couple of very nice suggestions in recent weeks, this one is just a little better I think. Nebulous Notes Lite is a free offering. There is a pay-for version too, but I have not yet seen any reason to shell out real money. Good for iPhone and iPad, and Nebulous ties neatly into your Dropbox account for file transfer.


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