Saturday, December 18, 2010

Printing Industry News Digest December 17, 2010

Welcome to Printing Industry News Digest (PIND) issue 35, the weekly summary of major news stories from the printing, packaging and communication sectors. Published every week, PIND incorporates lots of links to the week’s key news stories so that you can look up the detail.

2D barcodes have been something that has intrigued us here at PIND for some little time. Unfortunately we had some bad experiences that put us off for a while, but we do now believe that the time is right for printers to take a closer look at this technology. Since we last visited the subject, the increase in both the available models and the take-up by consumers of smart phones has increased significantly, and this is, of course, the cornerstone of the technology. Brand owners are now beginning to take the topic seriously, and as QR codes specifically appear to be growing as the standard variant of the 2D barcode, we believe that printers need to look closer.

There are two main reader links that we believe you should follow: firstly, this connection to Neo Media’s web site points you (in an overly complex way, I should add) to a white paper on the topic that will provide you with a wealth of data on 2D barcodes. As a more “hand-on” example, you can also click here to download a PDF document from PIND that offers six different QR code examples that will link you to a variety of URL’s, demonstrating the flexibility of the 2D barcode system, and offering you examples of how it might fit into your own promotional plans. For both of these tools you will need access to a smart phone and an application on the phone that will read QR codes, such as QR Reader on the iPhone (instead of downloading the PDF right now, you could point your QR-code apped phone at the two codes on screen here! It will work from screen as well as from paper).

Printers might well be able to profit from gaining a good working knowledge of 2D barcodes, as they are then able to promote such a tool effectively to their customers, and create a point of difference between them and their competitor. One fine example (with some apologies for the American “exuberance”) of how this simple addition can make a difference can be seen in this video. The important thing to recognise is that standard static print can be brought right up to date by incorporating a QR code in the printed item. By scanning this code the reader can link the suppliers very latest information, gain access to a discount voucher or similar, or see the newest product in action. A huge range of possibilities can be created.

The next stage is for you to create your own QR codes, and to do this you will need some additional software. Here is a review of a whole range of code creation options, or you can just use the same one that we did! Let us know what you have done with QR codes:

Whilst we are not looking to create an annual review here, Apple should certainly be saluted for its launch of the iPad product during 2010, and CNN has produced this tribute piece. Mashable also tells how the iPad is influencing the creation of web apps.

In other general communications news, Google Mail users can now easily maintain an access to multiple accounts. See here for details, and we can confirm that it works well; Opera 11.0 is now live featuring a range of downloadable extensions; whilst Dropbox is now out of Beta, and is a real 1.0 product! Microsoft is trying to stake its claim in the internet newspaper stakes with the release of Montage, a magazine-like, topic based application. Also, you might like to take a look at iTwin, a neat file sharing tool that comes in two parts. Have a read, it’s interesting.

A timely reminder has been posted by the team at Imprint, as they tell us 10 reasons to rethink your web site. We believe that “rethink” might be a touch heavy for some, but it certainly is a timely reminder for companies to think again about their web sites: how up to date are they, is there a strategy to keep things changing and to keep the very latest company news on the front page? A Twitter widget might be a help, announcing latest postings, but new stories and information on your site will certainly upgrade your site in the eyes of the Google rankings!

Social networking has undoubtedly grown by staggering proportions over the last year. The folk at The Wall give us a worldwide view of which products are shaping our lives. In Western Europe, the US, and indeed many other countries, Facebook leads the charge, of course. However, the “1,2,3” table at the bottom of the page makes for interesting reading, with LinkedIn showing up third in the UK, Canada and Australia.

Nice translation app available for the iPhone: point the camera and the Word Lens app at a Spanish sign and the app will translate the text for you, and vice-versa (English to Spanish!). The added beauty of this is that you don’t need network connection for the translation to work. Other languages please?! Need yet another news app for your iPad? Actually the new CNN app is good and works well; worth a look.

Finally, do keep checking back to see what will be featured in our next edition, PIND 36. Details of new stories will be added at this text link as the Christmas holiday progresses, with publication scheduled for December 31!


Want to read issue 34? Click Here!

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